GoField versus traditional irrigation: A comparative analysis



In the ever-evolving landscape of agriculture, the adoption of innovative technologies can make a substantial difference in crop productivity, resource efficiency, and overall farm sustainability. Traditional irrigation practices have long been the backbone of agriculture, but as technology advances, the need for more precise and efficient methods becomes evident. In this article, we will conduct a comparative analysis of GoField, our advanced irrigation scheduling solution, against traditional irrigation practices, highlighting the advantages that GoField brings to your farming operations.

Traditional irrigation practices

Traditional irrigation practices often involve manual or fixed schedules based on historical patterns, which may not always align with crop needs or changing environmental conditions. Here are some common characteristics:

  • Fixed schedules: Traditional methods often rely on fixed irrigation schedules that may not adapt to real-time changes in soil moisture, weather, or crop growth stages.

  • Limited data: Traditional practices rely on limited data inputs, such as calendar-based scheduling or manual observations, which can lead to over-irrigation, under-irrigation, or inefficient water use.

  • Resource intensive: Traditional methods can be resource-intensive, requiring workforce and energy for manual monitoring and control of irrigation systems.

  • Waste and inefficiency: Due to their static nature, traditional practices can lead to water wastage, higher operational costs, and potential environmental impacts like soil erosion and water pollution.

Advantages of GoField

GoField, represents a leap forward in irrigation management, addressing many of the shortcomings of traditional practices:

  • Real-time data: GoField collects real-time data from soil moisture sensors, canopy sensors, weather stations, and satellite imagery. This data provides a comprehensive view of soil conditions, plant temperature and weather forecasts, enabling precise irrigation decisions.

  • Advanced algorithms: GoField employs sophisticated algorithms that examine both real-time and historical data to generate irrigation recommendations. These recommendations consider factors such as accumulated plant temperature hours, soil moisture status, soil type, crop type, growth stage, and weather conditions.

  • Tailored irrigation plans: GoField provides farmers with individual irrigation plans tailored to the specific needs of each field and crop. This ensures optimal water use, avoiding over- or under-irrigation.

  • Mobile connectivity: Farmers can access their irrigation recommendations using the GoField web app. This feature allows for immediate adjustments to irrigation schedules in response to changing conditions.

  • Continuous monitoring: GoField continuously monitors soil moisture levels, plant temperature and weather conditions, sending real-time information to farmers when deviations from the irrigation plan are detected. This enables timely adjustments and proactive decision-making.

Comparative advantages of GoField

  • Precision: GoField's data-driven approach ensures that water is applied precisely when and where it's needed, leading to more efficient water use and increased crop yields.

  • Resource efficiency: By reducing water wastage and energy consumption, GoField contributes to cost savings and environmental sustainability.

  • Sustainable farming: GoField aligns with sustainable farming practices by conserving water resources, reducing environmental impact, and promoting long-term farm viability.

  • Higher crop yields: The precision offered by GoField leads to healthier crops and higher yields, ultimately increasing farm profitability.

  • Real-time adaptability: Unlike fixed schedules, GoField adapts to changing conditions, reducing the risk of yield losses due to weather fluctuations.


The comparative analysis between GoField and traditional irrigation practices clearly demonstrates the advantages of adopting innovative technologies in agriculture. GoField's real-time data collection, advanced algorithms, tailored irrigation plans, mobile capabilities, and continuous monitoring offer a level of precision and efficiency that traditional methods cannot match. By enabling efficient water use, reducing operational costs, and promoting sustainability, GoField represents a transformative solution that empowers farmers to thrive in a changing world while conserving vital resources and contributing to a greener future for agriculture.

Computer monitor showing graphs

We display all your data in easy to interpret graphs in our GoField platform.

Anita Jay