Inversion towers are equipped with cutting-edge technology that monitors weather conditions and provides real-time information about the presence of hazardous temperature inversions and conditions. This crucial information enables growers to better manage their spray applications, reducing the risk of spray drift and ensuring that herbicides are effective.
The towers are designed to monitor temperature, humidity, and wind direction at different heights, which provides growers and spray contractors with a two-hour forecast of real-time weather data that is updated every 10 minutes.
Accurate and up-to-date weather data is critical to determine when it is safe to spray, and the use of inversion towers is likely to become even more widespread as herbicide regulations become more stringent and the need for sustainable farming practices increases.
The benefits
Reduce the risk of spray drift
Increased safety of herbicide applications and reduced risk of severe damage from spray drift
Enhance operational planning
Growers can plan when to get their machinery ready to go into a field, allowing for efficient use of workforce and chemicals
Improve workplace safety
Safer workplace for farmers and spray contractors by reducing the risk of exposure to hazardous chemicals while spraying
Increase on-farm efficiency
More efficient use of resources by reducing the need for repeated spraying and ensuring that herbicides are effective

Interested in a inversion tower?
If you are interested in purchasing your own inversion tower, you should be aware that there are a few requirements to ensure operational accuracy. Here’s what you need to know.
Installation requirements:
Inversion towers need to be installed on an unelevated, flat, open area.
The standard requirement for installing around wind obstructions (including any permanent structure or tree) is 10 x the height of the obstruction away from it. I.e., if you have an 8m high shed, the inversion tower needs to be 80m away from shed.
We recommend installing the inversion tower where there is minimal traffic to reduce the risk of machinery strikes and dust issues on the sensors.
We request that the data provided by your inversion tower be made readily available through the WAND platform for all users in your area to access.
The tower itself and installation is provided exclusively by Goanna Ag and you will be required to provide us with ongoing access to your farm for servicing.
Pricing and inclusions:
There is a five-year warranty on all parts.
Pricing includes installation, operating costs and ongoing maintenance for five years.
Maintenance and servicing of the inversion tower is solely provided by Goanna Ag and access to the property is required at least twice yearly, and on an as needs basis, when performance degrades so we can maintain the station.
For more information, pricing or to organise an order, please contact us.